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English conversation

Online classes with live teacher 

Mastery Key Immersion
English to Practice Conversation

Como está a comunicar em inglês? Se já fez um curso e ainda não tem confiança para conversar, experimente as aulas no "Master Key Conversation" e torne-se fluente. Pode fazer aulas  online com um professor ao vivo, numa turma pequena, em pares ou individualmente, com 100% de conversação.  Irá vivenciar situações reais, profissionais, académicas ou mesmo pessoais, sempre adaptadas ao seu nível de conhecimento com a orientação e supervisão do professor que o acompanha nesta formação rumo à fluência na língua. Vamos começar?


Clique e agende a sua aula experimental de inglês


Course aimed at those who are insecure in oral communication and need  improve it. We apply our method, Speakworld Fusion,  through interactive activities in which conversation is introduced and directed to topics  pre-determined, with texts delivered in advance to students already with the questions and doubts prepared. Conversation practice becomes more effective and the  knowledge is amplified when we practice speaking with the known agenda.

For those of you who urgently need to speak and make yourself understood in English, Speakworld has developed  the Mastery Key Immersion,  contextualized conversation course designed to develop quickly and effectively  oral communication.  The classes  privilege real, usual situations employed in professional, academic or even personal areas, adapted to different areas with the objective of  give the speaker greater freedom  to express yourself in the desired language


 Enroll in the English course do and  an experimental class.

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